September Hits

One of my favorite type of YouTube videos are creator's monthly "favorites," items/things they are really digging for the previous month. It's always a great way to find new products, places to go, or gain some scathingly brilliant ideas!

Each month I'm going to share some of my favorites AKA hits for adults, babies, animals...whatever I'm loving (including links) so without further ado...

September Hits - For Baby:

We LOVE books!! Early on, my husband and I established a bedtime routine for Maggie--so each night we read one or two books before bed. We also LOVE cats that have spunk and that is precisely what Pete has! Pete has fabulous white shoes that change color from the many fun piles he steps in during the day. Age recommendation is 3-5 years old, however the uber colorful artwork catch any one's eye and the dialogue is easy and fun to follow!

I make it a point to do different developmental activities each day...we are currently in what I like to fondly call, "dexterity boot camp." My mum is a librarian, needless to say owls are a treasured creature in the Wee Mags household. The design of Skip Hop's Explore and More Roll Around Owl is brilliant! The body has easy to grab open spaces and can be held with both hands via a rattle. Side note: If your child is teething or in the early signs of teething, this is your jam--the rubberized detail is perfect for gnawing!

If you would have asked me one year ago if I was going to be a stay at home mom who makes her own baby food, I would have laughed in your face and called you a lunatic! What a difference a year makes!! There will be an entire post on how to make your own baby food, but these 4 ounce Ball Mason Jars are amazing! You make your own baby food, fill up tiny adorable Mason Jar, freeze or refridgerate it, heat up, feed baby. And the icing on the cake, it fits perfectly into many bottle warmers! I love Mason Jars. Period. 

September Hits:

I have an obsession with aviator sunglasses. I also have a horrible habit of scratching the hell out of sunnies. My husband bought me a pair of Coach aviators two years ago for Christmas, they didn't even last 4 months before they were so scratched I had a hard time seeing out of them. Hence and therefore I cannot justify spending a pretty penny on sunglasses. This is where SojoS entered my life. We are talking trendy, tons of styles, and a great price point ($12.99 + Free Shipping if you have Prime)! They also fit petite faces so, so well--you will not have to push these bad boys up your nose! Be sure to check our their Instagram for a discount code to boot! 

Ipsy Glam Bags are a great way of trying new products ranging from makeup to skincare to brushes each month, plus who doesn't like monthly subscriptions that come in a super cute pink envelope? I was introduced to this lovely peachy/rose gold hue with a slight shimmer and it has been my go to "Mom Eyeshadow" look. According to the packaging, "UD's groundbreaking Pigment Infusion System delivers dimensional, blendable, long-lasting color." Enough said! I blend from the corners onto the entire eyelid and you would honestly think that I have applied two perhaps three different shadows to transition my's that good!

I sometimes feel as if the wonderful folks at Ipsy are reading my mind because I said at the beginning of the month, "I really need to do my research and find a good toner." What arrived not too long after? This miracle in a tube. I have been using this after my morning and evening face cleanse and my skin has never looked so even, bright, hydrated, and luminous! I feel as if my makeup applies and wears better since I have started my daily restorative toning. Epice's formula is not the toner you used when you were in high school. This is like a coming of age, you're in your prime, I get shit done daily...toner. 5 stars!

What's trendier than simplistic jewelry right now? Simplistic bar necklaces, preferably engraved with something of meaning. After doing some extensive searching on Etsy, because these necklaces are everywhere, I purchased from Custom Brites--every piece is handcrafted and personalized items are either engraved using an engraving machine or hand stamped. This is a piece of jewelry that can either be dressed up or down...rock it with a pair of jeans or a dress, it's so simple yet versatile! Not to mention the store has 5 stars and I received my one of a kind (made in the USA) necklace in a little over a week! Do check out their Instagram feed for new products and offers!!

Speaking of Instagram, this is how I found and fell in deep, deep love with Brin and Bell! If you are looking for simplistic, trendy, chic jewelry and at wonderful price points, look no further! Lindsay, the owner of Brin and Bell, creates necklaces, bracelets, earrings, rings, bangles--all with love. I like to shop small and shop around, so you know I adore a shop when I purchase more than once; I have bought 4 more items since I have received my "Dainty Mags" bracelet! Unsure of what to get the gal who has everything for Christmas...Brin and Bell has you covered! If you are looking for jewelry styling inspiration, especially stacked bracelets, Lindsay does a great job pairing and showcasing her daily stacks via Instagram!

While perusing the aisles at Publix, I was drawn to  brightly colored bottles and the word "sleep." Anything that helps me fall asleep in a more expedited fashion, I am all over. So naturally I picked up two bottles of Neuro's Sleep Sweet Dreams--according the the label this tasty tangerine flavored drink combines the benefits of melatonin with 5-HTP, magnesium, and other words it's a modern day warm glass of milk. My husband and I each had a bottle while watching Stranger Things and we both fell asleep as soon as we hit the hay, I didn't lie awake making mental lists of things to do, and I woke up without a "hangover" like you would get with Tylenol PM or Benadryl. I've bought a few bottles each week when I go grocery shopping and my husband swears by it!

What are your favorites from this past month? Thanks for reading--and I will see you next month with another list of my hits!

Candy Apple Pops

Not to sound incredibly "basic," but I LOVE autumn! I love scarves. I love layering clothes. I love the sound of leaves falling from the trees and blowing through the air. I DO NOT love PSL's (I know, egad!). And I absolutely love candy apples!

I don't know what kick started my love for candy apples. Perhaps it was the fact that I grew up in Michigan and Bayne's Apple Valley Farm was the field trip you looked forward to all year or the Mrs. Prindable's Gourmet Caramel Apples my Granny used to order when I was a Wee Mags. Either way...I have an obsession!

Since I am down to my last few pounds of baby weight this recipe I stumbled across on Pinterest seemed like a deliciously legit alternative to drenching an entire apple in chocolate, caramel, and sugary goodness and gobbling it up!

Candy Apple Pops:

The key to a good candy apple is a tart apple--I used Granny Smith and Golden Delicious. Cut slices large enough where you can insert a lollipop stick without it popping out the side. With paper towels, pat the slices dry so that the chocolate and caramel can stick.

Now here's where my scathingly brilliant plan went slightly off track. I was planning on making my own salted caramel sauce, but somehow I completely forgot to get whipping cream while at the grocery store. So plan B came about--using salted caramel candy melts from Hobby Lobby that I had in my baking pantry.

After giving each slice a good sugary bath, let dry on parchment paper. 

While the candy coating in cooling, I chopped up some of my favorite sweet toppings: Reese's Peanut Butter Cups and Peanut M&M'S...also some salted peanuts! 

I drizzled white chocolate and the remainder of the milk chocolate and salted caramel over the apple segments. Then added the toppings while the chocolate was still warm.

These candy apple pops are sinfully scrumptious--let's just say I did a pretty intense Ashtanga yoga session today to make up for yesterdays gluttony. 

But you know the old saying: "An apple a day keeps the doctor away!" In my opinion, even sugarcoated apples!!

These were a super easy treat to make, I knocked them out (including dishes) while the little doll was down for her afternoon nap! What are your favorite autumnal confectionery delights?

Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow

"Nobody will ever deprive the American people of the right to vote except the American people themselves and the only way they could do this is by not voting." -Franklin Delano Roosevelt

I come from a pretty political family. And by political, I don't mean Kennedy-esque. I mean a family that is divided, likes to debate, and takes voting seriously.

I remember being a little girl and tagging along with my mom as she went to vote at our local elementary school. Standing in the old school voting booth (this was way before everything became high tech, kiddos) waiting as my mother methodically went through the ballot was always so fascinating and special to me.

That fascination remains even as an adult. There is a buzz about Election Day. I love it and flaunting my "I voted!" sticker.

About six weeks ago, I startled awake in the middle night remembering back four years ago and waiting in line for two hours to cast my vote (wearing 2" heels none-the-less). "Holy crap, November 8th is the Presidential Election and I have a baby," my mind began to race. "There is no way I am waiting for two hours with an infant." "I have to set a good example since this is the year she is born." "How did I forget about this until now?" "Where's my phone I need to look at"

The next day I applied for my absentee ballot.

As a new mom, I appreciate the years I went with my mom to vote and cannot wait to share those same experiences with my daughter! Most importantly to teach her the importance of voting, that one day women weren't allowed to do so, and don't let anyone ever tell you that your vote doesn't count.

With November just around the corner, I hope that all the mamas out there (new and old) will take time out of juggling motherhood and lead by example because our children are tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow.

73 Questions

A lot has changed in four years. I got married, I've moved three times, I changed jobs, I gave birth to a beautiful baby girl...these are just some key points.

It's been four years since I've "actively" blogged...I just didn't have the itch. I now have a fever and the only cure is to start blogging again. And what better way to get back in the game than with a good ole Q & A.

Vogue is doing a series where they ask different personalities 73 questions filmed in a single shot--it's quite entertaining. Without further ado, here is my rendition of Vogue's 73 Questions!

1.Were you named after anyone?
Oh yeah. I'm named after at least five people--from my great grandmother to my aunt.

2. When was the last time you cried?
The question should be, "When did you not cry?" I shed tears at a good song, when I'm happy, the Michael Phelps Under Armour Olympic commercial...but Sunday to be exact.

3. Do you love your handwriting?

4. What is your favorite lunch?
Chicken tenders sub with a ton of ranch dressing from the Publix Deli.

5. Instagram or Twitter?
The Gram

6. If you were another person, would you be friends with you?

7. Do you bake?

8. Do you like flying?
Yes, just not the "hassle" of it.

9. Would you ever bungee jump?
Hell no!

10. What is your favorite cereal?
Cap' n Crunch

11. Do you unite your shoes when you take them off?
Of course, they're a pair--you can't have them be lonely (plus I'm a bit of an organizational crazy lady).

12. Do you think you're strong?
Emotionally--quasi. Physically--getting back there.

13. What is your favorite ice cream?
Cookies n' Cream.

14. What is the first thing you notice about people?
How they carry themselves.

15. Red or pink?
As of recently, pink.

16. What is the least favorite thing about yourself?
My "worst case scenario" way of thinking.

17. Who do you miss the most?
My family back in Michigan.

18. What was the last book you read because everyone was reading it?
Girl Boss by Sophia Amoruso

19. What movie made you cry the most?
Schindler's List

20. What was the last thing you ate?
A nectarine.

21. What are you listening to right now?
Green Mountain State by Trevor Hall

22. If you were a crayon, what color would you be?
Robins Egg Blue

23. Favorite smell?
Toss up--lilac flowers or my husband's Dior Homme Sport cologne.

24. Who was the last person you talked to on the phone?
My mum.

25. Mountain hideaway or beach house?
Oooh, tough one. I'll say beach house.

26. Favorite sport to watch?
Swimming or diving.

27. Hair color?

28. Eye color?

29. Puppies or kittens?

30. Favorite food?

31. Scary film or happy ending?
Happy ending, 110%.

32. Last film you watched?
I have an addiction to documentaries. "Tony Robbins: I'm Not Your Guru" Don't ask...

33. What book are you reading now?
Raising Bebe: One American Mother Discovers the Wisdom of French Parenting by Pamela Druckerman

34. Summer or winter?

35. Hugs or kisses?
Depends on who's giving them.

36. Favorite dessert?

37. Favorite room in your house?
Maggie's nursery.

38. How long have you been on Facebook?
I've had a love/hate relationship with FB for approximately 11 years. We've broken up and gotten back together more times than I can count.

39. What is your favorite country to visit?
Cozumel, Mexico

40. What was the last country you visited?
Dominican Republic

41. Do you have a sibling?
One younger brother.

42. Favorite sound?
I have a 4 month old, silence is golden currently. Otherwise nature in general.

43. Rolling Stones or The Beatles?

44. What is the farthest you've ever been from home?

45. Do you have a special talent?
I can cut a mean rug.

46. Where were you born?
Saginaw, Michigan (Cue Lefty Frizzell)

47. Where are you living now?
Atlanta, Georgia

48. Coffee or tea?
Coffee. I could have an IV of it.

49. Dogs or cats?
Crazy cat lady.

50. What is your favorite board game?

51. Pilates or yoga?

52. Jogging or swimming?
If you see me running there is most likely something wrong and you should follow suit.

53. If you had one super power, what would it be?

54. What's the weirdest word in the English language?

55. A book you read in school that positively shaped you?
The Jungle by Upton Sinclair

56. One a scale of 1 to 10 how excited are you about life right now?
11. Super. Beyond excited.

57. iPhone or Android?
In Apple I trust...

58. Who should everyone be following right now?
Rachel Brathen

59. To be or not to be?
To be.

60. A sport you wish you could play?
Tennis. I have zero hand, eye, ball coordination.

61. Three people alive or dead that you'd like to have dinner with?
My grandma, Margaret Mitchell, and my Mother. At the same time.

62. Lipstick or gloss?

63. What book have you read again and again?
Le Divorce by Diane Johnson

64.What would be the title of your autobiography?
Gumption and Glitter

65. Last photograph you took?

This precious lamb got her 4 month shots today :(

66. What's keeping you busy these days?
My daughter, being a new mom, getting back to pre-baby size/fitness level, Wee Mags Vintage

67. What one thing do you need to have in your fridge at any one time?

68. What's your spirit animal?
Unicorn, hands down.

69. What do you think is the most import life lesson for someone to learn?
Hard work pays off and karma is a bitch!

70. What does creativity mean to you?
Creativity means the ability to take a scathingly brilliant idea and make it happen.

71. What is the hardest part of being a mom?
Trying to juggle it all and hope that you are doing it right.

72. How do you like your coffee?
Extra strong with half and half.

73. Favorite curse word?
F*Bombs. ;)

Hopefully these answers gave you a bit more insight into me! Join me on this fun new adventure as I return to blogging, won't you!